Bredenbury Court Bridal Suite
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Bride-prep at Bredenbury Court Barns

The mornings of weddings can be stressful, especially for the bridal party when there are a lot of people to get ready for a certain time. It's very easy for that stress, and the need to be in a certain place at the right time to dominate the morning of the wedding, which puts everyone a little on edge and can otherwise prevent people from truly enjoying themselves. There's usually the chaos of someone counting down the minutes to when the registrars are expected to burst through the doors, at the same time someone's missing a shoe and the veil appears to have no correct orientation.

The other thing to consider - during the morning of your wedding, as the bride, you tend to have a team of people around you. Maybe one person for hair, one for makeup, and some sober-ish bridesmaids for everything else. Later in the day if you need to take your veil out however, you're more likely to be doing it on your own or with the help of people who might be seeing double. (Which is why at two thirds of weddings, it's me or the wedding coordinator who end up doing it)

Anyway, the image above shows the hairdresser demonstrating to the bridesmaids how the veil goes in and out, without destroying the hairdo she's spent hours perfecting. But what I love about this image is the look on the bride's face. It reminds me of that poem that everyone only knows the first line of; 'if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs something something something'

Oh and the photo with her dad hits me right in the feels every time too (below.)

Location: Bredenbury Court Barns.

Keywords: Pure documentary wedding photography (29).