In the same way that the pirate's code is 'more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules' - the Stag's Retreat at Bredenbury Court Barns is more what you'd call a cupboard than an actual room. You might think it unfair that the bridal party get an entire room, with a kitchen, a small bathroom, 24 feet of mirrors on one wall, and three full height mirrors on the other wall, when the groomsmen get a room that really isn't big enough to swing a cat in. Then again, it's also unfair that for the last 400 years, men have been telling women how to look, to such an extent that it now takes them 5 hours to get ready. Men - you can moan all you like. But it's your fault.
Location: Bredenbury Court Barns.
Keywords: Bredenbury Court Barn Weddings (53).