Sunset Bordesley Park Wedding
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Sunset photoshoot at Bordesley Park

I was about 150 metres from the couple as this photo was taken. The bride and groom were being filmed by the videographer, using a drone directly above them to get what turned out to be a cracking bit of footage of the couple in the golden light, with their bodies casting a long shadow over the field. I was staying out of the way, and working out what image I wanted to capture. The light was gold and the view stunning, so I knew I could make some magic happen. I had to use the lowest sensitivity my camera is capable of, along with the fastest shutter speed and then had to use a narrow aperture to block out as much light as I could. In spite of this, I still ended up temporarily blind for staring directly into the sun!

Prepare for me to go off on a slight tangent here - this photo reminds me of that scene in Interstellar (which by strange coincidence I'm watching as I write this) whereby they land on this alien planet, and initially mistake the distance waves as mountains. In a slightly similar way (but with a much happier ending to that scene, it must be said) the majority of people I show this photo to think that the sun is peaking out from behind row of distant mountains - in fact it's dense cloud, with a weather front moving in.

For me, this wedding photograph captures a moment of pure serenity and timeless romance. Set against the vast backdrop of a dramatic cloud formation, the bride and groom stand hand in hand, silhouetted by the golden glow of the setting sun. The scale of the cloud formation behind them is truly breathtaking, with the sun peeking just over its edge, casting a warm, ethereal light that bathes the entire scene in a soft, golden hue. The way the sun's rays filter through the clouds, combined with the expansive landscape, creates a sense of both intimacy and vastness - an emotional reminder of the journey the couple is embarking on together. The silhouettes of the bride and groom against this stunning backdrop emphasise their connection, while the expansive sky and clouds suggest the limitless possibilities of their future. So it's a little like the movie Inception...

Location: Bordesley Park.

Keywords: Pure documentary wedding photography (29).