Wedding dress Worcestershire
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

I call this masterpiece 'Wedding Dress on Bride'

These 'covered buttons' as they're officially called (see, I know things) look amazing, but I do spend a disproportionately large amount of my life doing them up. I know what you're thinking - why is the photographer doing them, and not the bridesmaids or the mother of the bride (or anyone else remotely qualified to do it) and the real answer is that weddings can be chaos. Sometimes the bridesmaids have to get dressed at the same time as the bride as everyone is short for time, sometimes people have long false nails on that make the job impossible, and sometimes people are just too anxious to do it. At the same time you have a registrar staring at you, asking how long you're going to be, with a nervous father of the bride waiting outside the door, biding his time before he can come and have a first look at his daughter in her dress. Meanwhile, the wedding coordinator is telling the father of the bride that he should be elsewhere and trying to get the bridesmaids into the order they're going to be walking down the aisle. Whilst they're still getting dressed. So yeah, sometimes (20% of the time) it falls to me. My other favourite is when it's 10 minutes before the ceremony, the bride's dress needs lacing up (and I mean actually lacing up) and the bridesmaid who was told she'd be doing it turns to the room and says 'okay... does anyone know how to do this?' - when someone who does know how to do it is still going to need at least 20 minutes. And if the bride is 10 minutes late, the registrars just assume it's my fault. When I'm the reason the bride is *only* 10 minutes late. But I wouldn't do anything else.

Location: Stone Manor, Kidderminster.

Keywords: Pure documentary wedding photography (29).